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Pony Information

Apple Bloom is a young and spirited female Earth pony. With a golden coat and a vibrant red mane, she embodies the warmth and charm of her family's apple orchard. As a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom embarks on a journey of self-discovery alongside her friends, helping ponies find their true callings. Apple Bloom's kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness make her a trusted and beloved member of the community.

Important: Emotional Kernel Panic Warning

Before even starting pony hypnosis, please really think over it all and be 100% sure you know what you're getting into. Hypnosis is not a toy nor a game. We want ponies to enjoy these files, but we also want them to be aware. All these warnings and disclaimers may be scary, but they're here for a few reasons. They're here to make you aware of what you're getting into. Also to make sure you go about pony hypnosis in the safest way possible.

2.0 - Voiced by LittleHeck

Induction with BGM