
Daring Do

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File Description

This file's purpose is to transform the listener into the Indiana Jones-esque pegasus known as Daring Do. The "core file" uses binaural beats, background music, and ambience to enhance the presented environment and bring the listener into a state of trance. Derivatives of the core file are also available for those interested in such. It is highly recommended that you use the reset support file, if you are actively listening to another character file and want to transition. EKP (Emotional Kernel Panic) is a very real danger that should be taken seriously.

Side effects of listening to this file include, but are not limited to:

  • Change in personality, attitude, and a gravitation towards solitude
  • Acquiring new interests such as writing stories
  • Feeling phantom limbs, such as a tail or pony ears
  • Altered perception of your species
  • Identifying with the opposite gender

Important: Emotional Kernel Panic Warning

Before even starting pony hypnosis, please really think over it all and be 100% sure you know what you're getting into. Hypnosis is not a toy nor a game. We want ponies to enjoy these files, but we also want them to be aware. All these warnings and disclaimers may be scary, but they're here for a few reasons. They're here to make you aware of what you're getting into. Also to make sure you go about pony hypnosis in the safest way possible.

1.01 - SBCMC

Induction with BGM
Loopable with BGM