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Pony Information

Scootaloo is a young female pegasus. With a bright orange coat and a vibrant purple mane, she exudes a spirited and adventurous personality. Scootaloo is known for her boundless energy and determination, always eager to embark on exciting quests and discover new things. As a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she joins forces with her friends to help ponies find their special talents. Despite not having the ability to fly, Scootaloo embraces her uniqueness and showcases her incredible talent for scooter riding. Her unwavering optimism and never-give-up attitude inspire others to pursue their dreams, making her an endearing and influential character in the enchanting world of Equestria.

Important: Emotional Kernel Panic Warning

Before even starting pony hypnosis, please really think over it all and be 100% sure you know what you're getting into. Hypnosis is not a toy nor a game. We want ponies to enjoy these files, but we also want them to be aware. All these warnings and disclaimers may be scary, but they're here for a few reasons. They're here to make you aware of what you're getting into. Also to make sure you go about pony hypnosis in the safest way possible.

2.0 - Voiced by LittleHeck

Induction with BGM
Loopable with BGM