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About this file

The point of this hypnosis file is to make you associate Sweetie Belle's story, art and whatever happens to her in fan fics as a part of your own memories - in short it would be as "it happened to you". It's an experiment built upon the ability of your mind to change and even create fake, made up memories and perceive them as your real ones.

Please treat this as an experiment! What might happen to you if you use it long term:

  • You will enjoy strange feelings to recollection when interacting with content focused on Sweetie Belle
  • Your personality might change
  • Your feelings and aptitudes could shift
  • You might start to feel phantom limbs
  • Perception of your own gender might be affected

Important: Emotional Kernel Panic Warning

Before even starting pony hypnosis, please really think over it all and be 100% sure you know what you're getting into. Hypnosis is not a toy nor a game. We want ponies to enjoy these files, but we also want them to be aware. All these warnings and disclaimers may be scary, but they're here for a few reasons. They're here to make you aware of what you're getting into. Also to make sure you go about pony hypnosis in the safest way possible.

1.01 - Voiced by Mayshi

Induction with BGM